Motivational Papa Website


The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called ‘truth’.

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."

"Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers."

"Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world."

"You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth."

"If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life."

"One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen."

"Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world."

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PSK Technologies | IT comany nagpur | Web Development | motivationalpapa
PSK Technologies | IT comany nagpur | Web Development | motivationalpapa

"Those who educate children well are more to be honoured than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well."

"Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges."

"They inspire you, they entertain you, and you end up learning a ton even when you don't know it."

"The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery."

"A gifted teacher is not only prepared to meet the needs of today's child, but is also prepared to foresee the hopes and dreams in every child's future."

"The real heroes are the librarians and teachers who at no small risk to themselves refuse to lie down and play dead for censors."

“Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher that will be the biggest honor for me.”

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression & knowledge.”

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PSK Technologies | IT comany nagpur | Web Development | motivationalpapa
PSK Technologies | IT comany nagpur | Web Development | motivationalpapa
PSK Technologies | IT comany nagpur | Web Development | motivationalpapa
PSK Technologies | IT comany nagpur | Web Development | motivationalpapa
PSK Technologies | IT comany nagpur | Web Development | motivationalpapa
PSK Technologies | IT comany nagpur | Web Development | motivationalpapa
PSK Technologies | IT comany nagpur | Web Development | motivationalpapa