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Quotes On World Health Day

On World Health Day, let us take the pledge that we will give the highest priority to our health in all circumstances.

-If our health remains good then everything else goes fine in our life. Happy World Health Day.

You can ignore your health at your own peril, so learn to take good care of your mind and body on World Health Day.

Never compromise with your health in life, this should be the message of World Health Day.

Good health is the main source of happiness in life, it helps in maintaining the smile in your face. Happy World Health Day.

It is our duty to keep our body in good health or else we won’t be able to focus on anything in life. Happy World Health Day.

Let us remember one thing on World Health Day that the biggest wealth we can achieve in life is good health.

Good health is like a precious gift given to us by God and we should never ignore it. Happy World Health Day.

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You can be the richest person in the world but you can never buy good health. Happy World Health Day.

World Health Day is an occasion that motivates us to get more conscious about our health.

Let the most advanced healthcare services reach every corner of this world so that no one is deprived of genuine treatment. Happy World Health Day.

You can own a lot of gold and silver but the real wealth lies in your health. Happy World Health Day.

The key to good health is a calm mind that gives us confidence and inner strength. Happy World Health Day.

It is not enough to be alive, you also need to stay fit and healthy. Happy World Health Day.

Let us learn the benefits of daily physical exercise on World Health Day.

A healthy body is like a blessing and a sick body is like a curse. Happy World Health Day.

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