Motivational Papa Website

Quotes On Shivaji Jayanti

“When you start loving your goals by all your heart and mind, then from the grace of Goddess Bhawani, you will surely get the victory.”

“One should never fall for flattery, nor should one be afraid of criticism.”

“A strong determination can make anything possible.”

“It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.”

“The nation is formed by its people, and the people are formed by their character.”

“A true warrior is one who knows when to sheath his sword.”

“Freedom is always worth fighting for.”

“It is better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep.”

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“It is better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep.”

“The greatest strength is in the unity of all.”

“Humble yourselves before the truth, for it will not bow before you.”

“The welfare of the people is the ultimate law.”

Shivaji Jayanti will always remind us of the courageous hero of our country who lived and died for the nation….. Have a wonderful Shivaji Jayanti.

Chatrapati Shivaji inspired many souls when he was alive and he will continue to motivate the youth of the country for generations to come…..

May you are always blessed with blessings of Shivaji to always be successful in your dreams and always be full of courage and strength….

Celebrating the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. His exemplary statesmanship for the region inspires us all.

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