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Quotes On World Environment Day

"In nature, nothing exists alone."

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it."

"We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children."

"The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share."

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now."

"The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations."

"The environment and the economy are really both two sides of the same coin. If we cannot sustain the environment, we cannot sustain ourselves."

"We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the Earth as its other creatures do."

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"The environment is everything that isn't me."

“Understand the worth of earth, treat it with care and give love it deserves.”

“Mother earth has given so much to us. Should not we take care of her?”

“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.”

“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.”

“To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do, If bees are few.”

“We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”

“I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.”

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