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Sadhguru Quotes

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“Eating natural foods, in their uncooked condition, when the cells are still alive, will bring an enormous sense of health and vitality to the system.”

“There one exists not as an accumulation of memory and experience, not as an embodiment of love or compassion. There one simply exists in an intensity of inclusiveness.”

“Relief from something that you cannot hold within you is always the greatest pleasure, isn’t it? Whatever that thing may be!”

“In fact, every kind of pleasantness that we experience – whether peace or joy or ecstasy – is a kind of chemistry. The yogic system has always known this.”

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“When we say something that does not really mean anything to us, that does not burn within us, it is tantamount to a lie. It is actually better to shut up. We.”

“Things do not descend upon anything that is not ready to receive them.”

“The choice is always before you: to respond consciously to the present; or to react compulsively to it.”

“Yoga is fundamentally aimed at enhancing your experience beyond the five senses.”

“We transform the physical body from a series of compulsions of flesh, blood, and hormones into a conscious process, a powerful instrument of perception and knowing.”

“Any fool will seek liberation when he is suffering. It takes enormous intelligence to seek liberation when everything is going well.”

“When you were just born, it did not take immediate effect. It was waiting. As the process of growth happens, it looks for the right kind of situation and takes effect.”

“Most carnivorous animals do not eat every day – definitely not three times a day! They know the food they eat moves very slowly through their tracts.”

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