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Sadhguru Quotes

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“A well-established human mind is referred to as a kalpavriksha, or a wishing tree that grants any boon.”

“What then is the way out? The way out is a very simple change in direction. You just need to see that the source and basis of your experience is within you.”

“The science of yoga is, quite simply, the science of being in perfect alignment, in absolute harmony, in complete sync with existence. The.”

“Relationships! We can’t live with them, we can’t live without them.”

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“Seeking is not about looking for something. It is about enhancing your perception, your very faculty of seeing.”

“To program the calories you must consume and the number of hours you must sleep is a foolish way to handle life.”

“Breaking through the cyclical laws of physical nature is the basis of the spiritual process that Adiyogi explored.”

“It is amazing how human beings struggle just to do what every worm, insect, bird, and animal does quite effortlessly.”

“An intellectual understanding that is not backed by experiential knowledge can lead to mind games and deceptive states.”

“Though unity is the basic fabric of creation, duality brings texture, design, and color to life.”

“To be human means you can mold situations you are living in the way you want them.”

“If you are really interested in knowing life in all its depth and dimension, it is imperative that you look inward, not out.”

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