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Sadhguru Quotes

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“Now, every child does have the necessary intelligence. You create an atmosphere for him to grow into his intelligence rather than superimposing your rottenness on him.”

“This moment, the quality of your life is simply decided by how peaceful and joyous you are right now within yourself. That is all that decides the quality of your life. So.”

“The question is, are we using our emotions to entangle ourselves or to liberate ourselves?”

“I never form an opinion on anyone. How they are in this moment is all that matters. How they are tomorrow, let us see. Tomorrow must be created, not concretized right now.”

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“Human perception through the sense organs is always piecemeal. It can give you an illusion of completeness but can never comprehend the whole.”

“The intellect cannot laugh, it can only dissect.”

“No matter who you are or what you have achieved, you still want a little more than what you have right now. This is human desire.”

“Why human life needs so much attention is because we are human beings.”

“Don’t think of this as your first step or last step. Just be here as a piece of life. That is the best way to be. You are not a young man; you are not an old man. You are just a piece of life.”

“The first thing is to stand up and be sensible. To handle this body, to handle this mind, to handle these emotions, things that are within you right now, to handle them sensibly. If.”

“But to be loving is simply this: a willingness to respond freely and openly.”

“Discern the real from the illusory, what is existentially true from what is psychologically true.”

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