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Sadhguru Quotes

Best Hindi Motivational Quotes | motivationalpapa

“Different people need different kinds of impetus. If they are sensible, they learn by just looking. If they are not sensible, they learn by a thrashing. Life will thrash them.”

“For a human being, life doesn’t seem to end with survival; life begins with survival.”

“Morality always differs from person to person, according to time, place, situation – and convenience.”

“The middle path is a way of not getting anywhere...”

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“An idiot is incapable of drawing conclusions. A mystic is unwilling to draw conclusions. The rest have glorified their conclusions as knowledge.

“God loves you’ is not significant. If you are in such a way that everybody around you cannot help but fall in love with you – now, that is great!”

“The purpose of the path of devotion is just dissolution.”

“I couldn’t help noticing that people coming out of restaurants always had more joyful faces than those coming out of temples. That intrigued me.”

“When death knocks on your door, your life will be focused, and naturally, you turn inward, because outward is of no use anymore...”

“Peace and joy are not things you attain at the end of life. They are the basis of your life.”

“If you tell yourself you don’t want to think a certain thought, that is precisely the first thing your mind will produce! That is the nature of the human mind.”

“Emotion is just the juicier part of the thought.”

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