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Quotes On World Health Day

Life is not just being alive, it’s having good health.

Health is a blessing in one’s life that only the sick person can see.

It’s good health that can make you climb mountains and achieve your dreams

It’s our duty to keep our body in good health, otherwise, we may never think clearly.

Good health brings strength and self-confidence to one’s life.

If you don’t find time to exercise you will find time for ill health.

A healthy body is a cool home for the soul, while a sick body is a prison to the soul.

Your body follows what your mind says. Seek good health.

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To have good health, do not overeat, breathe deeply, nurture cheerfulness, and always think positively about life.

Good health starts from the inside. You have to start seeking good health today!

The healthier you are the more efficient and better you are.

A man’s health can be judged by what they take; lift or stairs.

Having good health is the greatest wealth you can ever have.

If you don’t find time to exercise, you will soon be welcoming illness to your body.

Exercise your body and mind more often, eat a balanced diet, and think positively.

Sickness is the punishment from nature for violating the laws.

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