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Quotes On World Health Day

Nutrition is the only cure for future diseases.

Our body is a garden and our will is the gardener.

Eat healthy to stay healthy but have a burger once in a while to stay sane.

Nothing is going to benefit your health more than a vegetarian meal.

The first thing that a disease beats is your brain.

When your heart is happy, the body is healthy.

It is our duty to keep our body healthy and our mind strong.

You are as healthy as you think you are.

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The best way to stay on a diet is to not know what you are eating.

Health is not a condition of the body but a state of the mind.

Health is worth more than learning.

You can only be healthy when you decide to be happy.

Waking up before the sun brings you both health and wisdom.

Your body is a picture of your soul.

Loving yourself is the only true lifelong romance.

"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon."

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