Motivational Papa Website

Sandeep Maheshwari

“Education is not the answer to the question. Education is the means to the answer to all questions.”

- Dr. Vivek Bindra

“Nobody in history has ever created history, without tasting some failures!”

- Dr. Vivek Bindra

“There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

- Dr. Vivek Bindra

“If it is important to you, You will find a way, If not you will find an excuse!”

- Dr. Vivek Bindra

“Attraction to Distraction Drifts you away from your goal!”

- Dr. Vivek Bindra

“Success is not changing reality, It is changing the mentality Behind the Reality!”

- Dr. Vivek Bindra

“When failures hit you, you hit the failures back with Bounce Back.!”

- Dr. Vivek Bindra

“You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.”

- Dr. Vivek Bindra

"जितना ही बड़ा जाल होगा उतनी ही ज्यादा मछली भी आएगी।"

- डॉ. विवेक बिंद्रा

"आप जिसके तरह बनना चाहते है उसी के बारे में सोचना शुरू कर दें।"

- डॉ. विवेक बिंद्रा

"ताउम्र यही गलती करता रहा ग़ालिब, धूल तो चेहरे पर थी, मैं आईना साफ करता रहा।"

- डॉ. विवेक बिंद्रा

"जिंदगी में जो मांगोगे नहीं, वो मिलेगा नहीं और मांगना किस्से है, अपने आप से।"

- डॉ. विवेक बिंद्रा