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Quotes On Birthday Wishes

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana

Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age.

Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter.

Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.

Every age can be enchanting, provided you live within it.

There is still no cure for the common birthday.

To my surprise, my 70s are nicer than my 60s and my 60s than my 50s, and I wouldn't wish my teens and 20s on my enemies.

The older you get the better you get, unless you are a banana.

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Middle age is when you still believe you’ll feel better in the morning.

You know you're getting old when you get that one candle on the cake. It's like, 'See if you can blow this out.’

You were born an original. Don't die a copy

You take away all the other luxuries in life, and if you can make someone smile and laugh, you have given the most special gift: happiness.

Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the hell happened.

When someone asks if you'd like cake or pie, why not say you want cake and pie?

Middle age is when your classmates are so gray and wrinkled and bald they don't recognize you.

The first hundred years are the hardest.

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