Motivational Papa Website

Quotes On International Worker's Day

“I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.”

“Though you can love what you do not master, you cannot master what you do not love.”

“Find something you love to do, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”

“Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and above all, don’t let anyone limit your dreams.”

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration. The rest of us just get up and go to work.”

“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity.”

“The fruit derived from labor is the sweetest of pleasures.”

“The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.”

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“It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.”

“You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it.”

“Nothing ever comes to one that is worth having except as a result of hard work.”

“It is labor indeed that puts the difference on everything.”

“Dreams don’t work unless you do.”

“To find joy in work is to find the fountain of youth.”

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

“The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.”

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