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Quotes On World Water Day

“Water is the driving force in nature, and without it, there would be no life on earth.”

“We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.”

“Clean water is a basic human right. Nobody should have to choose between drinking contaminated water and getting sick.”

“Water is life, and clean water means health.”

“Water is a commons, a public trust, and a human right.”

“The wars of the twenty-first century will be fought over water.”

“Water is the most basic of all resources. Civilizations grew or withered depending on its availability.”

“Water is a solvent of life. It is the only thing that can dissolve everything but itself.”

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“Water is the driving force behind all successful societies.”

“Water is the only thing that still has the magic to stir us up.”

“Water is the most critical resource issue of our lifetime and our children’s lifetime.”

“Water is the foundation of all life.”

“Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.”

“Water is the one substance from which the earth can conceal nothing; it sucks out its innermost secrets and brings them to our very lips.”

“The water cycle is nature’s way of recycling water, and it is critical for sustaining all forms of life on earth.”

“Water is not a commercial product, but rather a heritage that must be protected, defended, and treated as such.”

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