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Sadhguru Quotes

Best Hindi Motivational Quotes | motivationalpapa

“The ability to simply look without motive is missing in the world today.”

“Your ideas of good and bad are just a certain level of prejudice against life. The.”

“Human intellect is mere smartness that ensures survival.”

“What we need is not good human beings; we need sensible human beings.”

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“When the lion feeds, many animals eat.”

“When everything you do is a success, you tend to start believing that the planets revolve around you, not the sun! And.”

“Every human being lives in a perpetual state of insufficiency.”

“Compassion is definitely a more liberating emotion than love.”

“What is happening within you and how you experience your life is entirely your making – your karma.”

“Life should touch you, even if life smothers you, it’s better than remaining untouched by life.”

“When it comes to action, capability could play a role. But when it comes to response, it is just a question of willingness. If.”

“We really do not need another nuclear explosion to annihilate life on this planet. Just a successful economy can do it quite effectively!”

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