Motivational Papa Website

Sadhguru Quotes

Best Hindi Motivational Quotes | motivationalpapa

“The most incredible thing is that you can know everything you wish to know with your eyes closed.”

“Freedom – or mukti or moksha – is seen as the natural longing in every human being and our ultimate destination.”

“Only for a person who is living with duality there is good and bad karma.”

“If you look at your life closely, you will find that you have done the most idiotic and life-negative things when you were angry.”

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“What you accumulate can be yours, but it can never be you. Who.”

“Shiva does not spell religion. Shiva spells responsibility – our ability to take our very life process in our hands. When.”

“Once your intellect gets identified with something, it gets chained to the identifications, and leaves you with a completely distorted experience of the world.”

“We are the most comfortable generation to have ever lived on this planet. The rub is that we are definitely not the most joyful, or the most loving, or the most peaceful. Why.”

“It’s considered totally obscene to make any request to God, because if he doesn’t know, what’s the point asking him?” “I do not know” is the doorway – the only doorway – to seeking and knowing.”

“It has always seemed to me odd that the world does not realize the immensity of a state of “I do not know.”

“Choices that you make out of inability are not life solutions.”

“The smartest thing about most people is their phone.”

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