Motivational Website

Deepak Chopara Quotes

Best Hindi Motivational Quotes | motivationalpapa

“Love without action is meaningless and action without love is irrelevant.”

“Happiness is the ultimate goal. It is the goal of all other goals.”

““Prayer is you speaking to God. Meditation is allowing the spirit to speak to you.”

“Meditation is a vital way to purify and quiet the mind, thus rejuvenating the body.”

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“Be happy for no reason, like a child. If you are happy for a reason, you’re in trouble, because that reason can be taken from you.”

“If you had all the money and all the time in the world, what would you do?!”

“Every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts.”

“In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.”

“Karma means your have to live with the consequences of the actions you have taken in the past. Whatever you put out is coming back.”

“A job is how you make money. A career is how you make your mark. A calling is how you acknowledge a higher vision, whatever it may be.”

“Money is life energy that we exchange and use as a result of the service we provide to the universe.”

“Embrace the wisdom of uncertainty.”

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